COVID-19 Updates May 5th – May 12th, 2022

Our values, vision, and mission together with your well-being and the well-being of people who use our services continue to be our top priority during the current pandemic.

This week, look for the following updates:


COVID-19 Weekly Preparedness Checklist

  • The COVID-19 Weekly Preparedness Checklist has been updated for the week of May 5th – May 11th, 2022.
  • The Hand Sanitizer Recall List (on the U:\\ drive) was updated March 2022), please confirm the removal of recalled sanitizers from all locations
  • Additional information on arranging pick up and drop off of biohazard bins in Ontario has been added. 

On April 22nd, The Chief Medical Officer of Health for Ontario extended the mask mandate for our sector until June 11th. You can read the release here. At this time all Christian Horizons locations, including those in Saskatchewan will continue using medical masks accept when they can be safely removed as outlined in the PPE FAQ.

COVID-19 Daily Symptom Monitoring 

  • Updated symptoms to reflect changes made to the screening template last week.

Access to Anti-virals 

Early in 2022, Health Canada approved Paxlovid as an antiviral for treating mild to moderate cases of COVID-19. The early drawback to Paxlovid was the limited availability and restricted access.

In Saskatchewan, access to Paxlovid is facilitated by contacting Healthline 811.

In Ontario, with recent updates to who can access Paxlovid as a treatment, people with developmental disabilities now qualify. It is recommended that people we support connect with their primary care provider to see if they would be a candidate for Paxlovid now before they have symptoms or a confirmed case so that a prescription can be available at their pharmacy. There is a quick turn around for accessing Paxlovid, the anti-viral must be started in the 5 days after symptoms start. Having a prescription at the pharmacy will help cut down on any delays.


There is no webinar scheduled for this week.

To view previously recorded webinars please click here.

If you are looking for additional webinars with a variety of experts from across Canada consider the resources available at This is Our Shot and ScienceUpFirst. Additionally the University of Toronto has provided this resource which they will continue to keep up to date.


Thank you for your continued work and dedication, your commitment and tenacity to provide the best service and supports is exceptional!

Questions or suggestions about any of the resources listed on the site?
Send us an email to let us know:

COVID-19 Updates April 28th – May 5th, 2022

Our values, vision, and mission together with your well-being and the well-being of people who use our services continue to be our top priority during the current pandemic.

This week, look for the following updates:


COVID-19 Weekly Preparedness Checklist

  • The COVID-19 Weekly Preparedness Checklist has been updated for the week of April 28th – May 5th, 2022.
  • The Hand Sanitizer Recall List (on the U:\\ drive) was updated March 2022), please confirm the removal of recalled sanitizers from all locations
  • Additional information on arranging pick up and drop off of biohazard bins in Ontario has been added. 

On April 22nd, The Chief Medical Officer of Health for Ontario extended the mask mandate for our sector until June 11th. You can read the release here. At this time all Christian Horizons locations, including those in Saskatchewan will continue using medical masks accept when they can be safely removed as outlined in the PPE FAQ.

Access to Anti-virals 

Early in 2022, Health Canada approved Paxlovid as an antiviral for treating mild to moderate cases of COVID-19. The early drawback to Paxlovid was the limited availability and restricted access.

In Saskatchewan, access to Paxlovid is facilitated by contacting Healthline 811.

In Ontario, with recent updates to who can access Paxlovid as a treatment, people with developmental disabilities now qualify. It is recommended that people we support connect with their primary care provider to see if they would be a candidate for Paxlovid now before they have symptoms or a confirmed case so that a prescription can be available at their pharmacy. There is a quick turn around for accessing Paxlovid, the anti-viral must be started in the 5 days after symptoms start. Having a prescription at the pharmacy will help cut down on any delays.


This Friday, April 29th we are having an organizational webinar to discuss re-engagement. We will also be giving a short update about our current COVID-19 guidelines and any expected changes. To register please click here.

To view previously recorded webinars please click here.

If you are looking for additional webinars with a variety of experts from across Canada consider the resources available at This is Our Shot and ScienceUpFirst. Additionally the University of Toronto has provided this resource which they will continue to keep up to date.


Thank you for your continued work and dedication, your commitment and tenacity to provide the best service and supports is exceptional!

Questions or suggestions about any of the resources listed on the site?
Send us an email to let us know:

COVID-19 Updates April 21st – April 28th, 2022

Our values, vision, and mission together with your well-being and the well-being of people who use our services continue to be our top priority during the current pandemic.

This week, look for the following updates:


COVID-19 Weekly Preparedness Checklist

  • The COVID-19 Weekly Preparedness Checklist has been updated for the week of April 21st – April 28th, 2022.
  • The Hand Sanitizer Recall List (on the U:\\ drive) was updated March 2022), please confirm the removal of recalled sanitizers from all locations
  • Additional information on arranging pick up and drop off of biohazard bins in Ontario has been added. 

COVID-19 exposure for employees – Flowchart

  • In Ontario, Public Health released an update that outlines when a PCR test should be done after an exposure to COVID-19. It is recommended that the PCR test be done on day 5. If the employee tests negative on the PCR test on day 5, they can return to work.

COVID-19 Exposure Attendance and Testing Guide 

  • In Ontario, Public Health released an update that outlines when a PCR test should be done after an exposure to COVID-19. It is recommended that the PCR test be done on day 5. If the employee tests negative on the PCR test on day 5, they can return to work.

COVID-19 Symptom Self-Check Poster

  • The self check poster has been updated to better reflect the recommended screening for symptoms and travel by Public Health Canada.

Access to Anti-virals 

Early in 2022, Health Canada approved Paxlovid as an antiviral for treating mild to moderate cases of COVID-19. The early drawback to Paxlovid was the limited availability and restricted access.

In Saskatchewan, access to Paxlovid is facilitated by contacting Healthline 811.

In Ontario, with recent updates to who can access Paxlovid as a treatment, people with developmental disabilities now qualify. If someone supported tests positive for COVID-19, teams should connect with the person’s primary health care provider in order for them to be considered for Paxlovid.

COVID-19 – Additional Resources

If you are looking for additional webinars with a variety of experts from across Canada consider the resources available at This is Our Shot and ScienceUpFirst. Additionally, the University of Toronto has provided this resource which they will continue to keep up to date.


Thank you for your continued work and dedication, your commitment and tenacity to provide the best service and supports is exceptional!

Questions or suggestions about any of the resources listed on the site?
Send us an email to let us know:

COVID-19 Updates April 14th – April 21st, 2022

Our values, vision, and mission together with your well-being and the well-being of people who use our services continue to be our top priority during the current pandemic.

This week, look for the following updates:


COVID-19 Weekly Preparedness Checklist

  • The COVID-19 Weekly Preparedness Checklist has been updated for the week of  April 14th – April 21st, 2022.
  • The Hand Sanitizer Recall List (on the U:\\ drive) was updated March 2022), please confirm the removal of recalled sanitizers from all locations
  • Additional information on arranging pick up and drop off of biohazard bins in Ontario has been added. 

COVID-19 Interim Vaccine Policy (Ontario)

  • Updated to reflect change in frequency of RANT testing from every third day to every other day

COVID-19 Interim Vaccine Policy (Saskatchewan) 

  • Updated to reflect change in frequency of RANT testing from every third day to every other day

Rapid Antigen Screening Instructions Ontario 

  • Updated to reflect change in frequency of RANT testing from every third day to every other day

Rapid Antigen Screening FAQs  

  • Updated to reflect change in frequency of RANT testing from every third day to every other day

Why the Change in RANT screening?

COVID-19 cases are spiking across Canada.

In Ontario there is an estimated 100,000-120,000 new cases per day.  This is based on waste water levels as other metrics for following infection are no longer reliable due to rules around accessing PCR tests etc. You can view the information from the science advisory table here.

Data is more difficult to follow in Saskatchewan due to decreased reporting around COVID-19 cases and other indicators but a weekly report is published and can be found here. Within the report, hospitalizations and ICU admissions for COVID-19 are climbing. Confirmed cases of COVID in the community appear to be leveling off.

The good news in this scenario is that hospitals in both provinces continue to have capacity to assist anyone who is ill enough that they require hospital based care. The concerning news is that those with developmental disabilities are more likely to require hospitalization and ICU care due to a COVID-19 infection.

It is likely that this wave of COVID-19 will continue through to the middle/end of May based on the current modeling. In Ontario the modeling  suggests similar or greater case counts then we experienced over the Christmas break which lead to significant staffing pressures. With that said, some current signaling as of April 14th is suggesting we may be at the peak of this wave. There is still significant risk for exposure to COVID-19 in our communities across Ontario and Saskatchewan.

With the increased risk of community transmission considered, and an acknowledgement that living with COVID-19, means protecting those that are most likely to suffer negative impact from an infection (the people we serve), we are increasing our rapid testing guidance to every other day.

Congregate living settings serve as homes for residents and a workplace for staff, and protective measures reflect the difference between residents not having a choice on who enters their home to provide service and their own dignity in deciding to take risks in the community.

Access to Anti-virals 

Early in 2022, Health Canada approved Paxlovid as an antiviral for treating mild to moderate cases of COVID-19. The early drawback to Paxlovid was the limited availability and restricted access.

In Saskatchewan, access to Paxlovid is facilitated by contacting Healthline 811.

In Ontario, with recent updates to who can access Paxlovid as a treatment, people with developmental disabilities now qualify. If someone supported tests positive for COVID-19, teams should connect with the persons primary health care provider in order for them to be considered for Paxlovid.

COVID-19 – Additional Resources

If you are looking for additional webinars with a variety of experts from across Canada consider the resources available at This is Our Shot and ScienceUpFirst. Additionally, the University of Toronto has provided this resource which they will continue to keep up to date.


Thank you for your continued work and dedication, your commitment and tenacity to provide the best service and supports is exceptional!

Questions or suggestions about any of the resources listed on the site?
Send us an email to let us know:

COVID-19 Updates April 7th – April 14th, 2022

Our values, vision, and mission together with your well-being and the well-being of people who use our services continue to be our top priority during the current pandemic.

This week, look for the following updates:

We are beginning to see what some health units are referencing as a wave of COVID-19 infections. With significant restrictions on PCR testing it can be difficult to gauge how wide spread infections are at this time. The Science Advisory Table for Ontario has updated their dashboard which includes wastewater signaling. You can view that information here. For information about COVID-19 prevalence in Saskatchewan you can follow this link.


COVID-19 Weekly Preparedness Checklist

  • The COVID-19 Weekly Preparedness Checklist has been updated for the week of  April 7th – April 14th, 2022.
  • The Hand Sanitizer Recall List (on the U:\\ drive) was updated March 2022), please confirm the removal of recalled sanitizers from all locations
  • Additional information on arranging pick up and drop off of biohazard bins in Ontario has been added. 

Current Travel Parameters 

  • Updated to reflect changes to pre-arrival requirements set by the Federal Government. A link to the detailed guidance is available in the document.

Call to Participate in Research

  • CAMH has created a virtual course titled – Health for Adults with Developmental
    Disabilities during COVID-19: A Virtual Course
  • CAMH is looking for volunteers to take part in the course over a duration of 6 weeks and provide feedback.
  • More information available here.
  • To register please complete this form.


With increased access to third doses/booster shots for COVID-19, it is important to be aware that consent will need to be facilitated for the people that use our services as they become eligible. It appears that each health unit in Ontario and the Saskatchewan Health Authority have varying interpretations on the requirements for consent so be sure to work within your local communities to meet the consent requirements as they are required. 

Electronic Proof of COVID-19 Vaccination
If you have previously chosen to receive a COVID-19 vaccine but have misplaced your electronic and physical proof of vaccination you can receive a new electronic proof through the Ontario Health site here. You will require your health card number. For those in Saskatchewan you can retrieve your proof of vaccination here.


There are no webinars scheduled at this time. To view previously recorded webinars please click here.

If you are looking for additional webinars with a variety of experts from across Canada consider the resources available at This is Our Shot and ScienceUpFirst. Additionally the University of Toronto has provided this resource which they will continue to keep up to date.


Thank you for your continued work and dedication, your commitment and tenacity to provide the best service and supports is exceptional!

Questions or suggestions about any of the resources listed on the site?
Send us an email to let us know:

COVID-19 Updates March 31st – April 7th, 2022

Our values, vision, and mission together with your well-being and the well-being of people who use our services continue to be our top priority during the current pandemic.

This week, look for the following updates:


COVID-19 Weekly Preparedness Checklist

  • The COVID-19 Weekly Preparedness Checklist has been updated for the week of March 31st – April 7th, 2022.
  • The Hand Sanitizer Recall List (on the U:\\ drive) was updated March 2022), please confirm the removal of recalled sanitizers from all locations
  • Additional information on arranging pick up and drop off of biohazard bins in Ontario has been added. 

Rapid Antigen Screening Instructions Ontario 

  • MCCSS has made a change to the grace period for rapid testing after testing positive with COVID-19 from 30 days to 90 days. This reverses a decision that was made at the beginning of the year to go from 90 days down to 30. This guidance change will be automatically implemented in our email updates for all employees and dashboard for supervisors. This is consistent with guidance currently in Saskatchewan.

Rapid Antigen Screening FAQs  

  • MCCSS has made a change to the grace period for rapid testing after testing positive with COVID-19 from 30 days to 90 days. This reverses a decision that was made at the beginning of the year to go from 90 days down to 30. This guidance change will be automatically implemented in our email updates for all employees and dashboard for supervisors. This is consistent with guidance currently in Saskatchewan.

Person Supported Supervisor Response Checklist

  • Updated to reflect current isolation guidance for Ontario and Saskatchewan (this resource was missed in a previous update)

Employee Supervisor Response Checklist 

  • Updated to reflect current isolation guidance for Ontario and Saskatchewan (this resource was missed in a previous update)

Person Supported COVID-19 Exposure Guide

  • Updated to reflect that Saskatchewan only requires a 5 day isolation period for everyone, regardless of vaccination. Ontario guidance remains the same, 10 day isolation due to high risk setting.

Health Canada Update – Rapid Antigen Tests

  • Health Canada released an update about the buffer solution used in rapid tests. Advising that ingestion (swallowing) or prolonged skin contact is to be avoided. Fortunately, our current policy and directions for rapid antigen tests cover the safe handling and disposal of the tests.
  • A link to the update from Health Canada can be found here.


With increased access to third doses/booster shots for COVID-19, it is important to be aware that consent will need to be facilitated for the people that use our services as they become eligible. It appears that each health unit in Ontario and the Saskatchewan Health Authority have varying interpretations on the requirements for consent so be sure to work within your local communities to meet the consent requirements as they are required. 

Electronic Proof of COVID-19 Vaccination
If you have previously chosen to receive a COVID-19 vaccine but have misplaced your electronic and physical proof of vaccination you can receive a new electronic proof through the Ontario Health site here. You will require your health card number. For those in Saskatchewan you can retrieve your proof of vaccination here.


There are no webinars scheduled at this time. To view previously recorded webinars please click here.

If you are looking for additional webinars with a variety of experts from across Canada consider the resources available at This is Our Shot and ScienceUpFirst. Additionally the University of Toronto has provided this resource which they will continue to keep up to date.


Thank you for your continued work and dedication, your commitment and tenacity to provide the best service and supports is exceptional!

Questions or suggestions about any of the resources listed on the site?
Send us an email to let us know:

COVID-19 Updates March 24th – March 31st, 2022

Our values, vision, and mission together with your well-being and the well-being of people who use our services continue to be our top priority during the current pandemic.

This week, look for the following updates:


COVID-19 Weekly Preparedness Checklist

  • The COVID-19 Weekly Preparedness Checklist has been updated for the week of March 24th – March 31st, 2022.
  • The Hand Sanitizer Recall List (on the U:\\ drive) was updated March 2022), please confirm the removal of recalled sanitizers from all locations
  • Additional information on arranging pick up and drop off of biohazard bins in Ontario has been added. 


  • Eye protection will no longer be required when completing personal care within 2 meters of a person supported or when completing screening.
  • Eye protection will still be an option for employees that would like to use it
  • Eye protection is still required in situations when it would be standard PPE such as mixing cleaning products, high likelihood of exposure to bodily fluids or during outbreaks/enhanced precautions.

COVID-19 Screening Protocol

  • Updated to reflect change in eye protection requirements

COVID-19 Current Activity Restrictions 

  • Updated to reflect change in eye protection requirements

Health Canada Update – Rapid Antigen Tests

  • Health Canada released an update about the buffer solution used in rapid tests. Advising that ingestion (swallowing) or prolonged skin contact is to be avoided. Fortunately, our current policy and directions for rapid antigen tests cover the safe handling and disposal of the tests.
  • A link to the update from Health Canada can be found here.


With increased access to third doses/booster shots for COVID-19, it is important to be aware that consent will need to be facilitated for the people that use our services as they become eligible. It appears that each health unit in Ontario and the Saskatchewan Health Authority have varying interpretations on the requirements for consent so be sure to work within your local communities to meet the consent requirements as they are required. 

Electronic Proof of COVID-19 Vaccination
If you have previously chosen to receive a COVID-19 vaccine but have misplaced your electronic and physical proof of vaccination you can receive a new electronic proof through the Ontario Health site here. You will require your health card number. For those in Saskatchewan you can retrieve your proof of vaccination here.


There are no webinars scheduled at this time. To view previously recorded webinars please click here.

If you are looking for additional webinars with a variety of experts from across Canada consider the resources available at This is Our Shot and ScienceUpFirst. Additionally the University of Toronto has provided this resource which they will continue to keep up to date.


Thank you for your continued work and dedication, your commitment and tenacity to provide the best service and supports is exceptional!

Questions or suggestions about any of the resources listed on the site?
Send us an email to let us know:

COVID-19 Updates March 17th – March 24th, 2022

Our values, vision, and mission together with your well-being and the well-being of people who use our services continue to be our top priority during the current pandemic.

This week, look for the following updates:


There are no updates to our resources this week. We continue to experience the lessening of public health measures in Saskatchewan and Ontario. In response to these changes we will continue to revise and adapt our policies as these changes occur.

Ontario announced on March 9th that mask mandates in non-high risk settings will be lifted on March 21st in public settings – yet will remain in place for high risk settings including congregate care, public transportation, hospitals and Long Term Care. This will bring Ontario in line with guidance already in place in Saskatchewan. This is exciting and promising news, however as we look to “live with COVID-19” it will remain vital to actively prevent infections from occurring within our support locations. Pivoting to protect those that are most vulnerable from a COVID-19 infection includes the people who use our services. With this in mind we will continue to follow the guidance from our health partners and provincial ministries which continue to require the use of masks, eye protection and additional isolation requirements if employees or people supported test positive for COVID-19.

With there being a continued risk of COVID-19 as we continue to see the lessening of public health measures, the Florida Center for Inclusive Communities put together some fantastic educational videos in plain language. The information presented while focused on the experience in Florida is relevant and may be beneficial to the people that use our services. You can find and share these videos here.

COVID-19 Weekly Preparedness Checklist

  • The COVID-19 Weekly Preparedness Checklist has been updated for the week of March 17th – March 24th, 2022.
  • The Hand Sanitizer Recall List (on the U:\\ drive) was updated March 2022), please confirm the removal of recalled sanitizers from all locations
  • Additional information on arranging pick up and drop off of biohazard bins in Ontario has been added. 

Health Canada Update – Rapid Antigen Tests

  • Health Canada released an update about the buffer solution used in rapid tests. Advising that ingestion (swallowing) or prolonged skin contact is to be avoided. Fortunately, our current policy and directions for rapid antigen tests cover the safe handling and disposal of the tests.
  • A link to the update from Health Canada can be found here.


With increased access to third doses/booster shots for COVID-19, it is important to be aware that consent will need to be facilitated for the people that use our services as they become eligible. It appears that each health unit in Ontario and the Saskatchewan Health Authority have varying interpretations on the requirements for consent so be sure to work within your local communities to meet the consent requirements as they are required. 

Electronic Proof of COVID-19 Vaccination
If you have previously chosen to receive a COVID-19 vaccine but have misplaced your electronic and physical proof of vaccination you can receive a new electronic proof through the Ontario Health site here. You will require your health card number. For those in Saskatchewan you can retrieve your proof of vaccination here.


There are no webinars scheduled at this time. To view previously recorded webinars please click here.

If you are looking for additional webinars with a variety of experts from across Canada consider the resources available at This is Our Shot and ScienceUpFirst. Additionally the University of Toronto has provided this resource which they will continue to keep up to date.


Thank you for your continued work and dedication, your commitment and tenacity to provide the best service and supports is exceptional!

Questions or suggestions about any of the resources listed on the site?
Send us an email to let us know:

COVID-19 Updates March 10th – March 17th, 2022

Our values, vision, and mission together with your well-being and the well-being of people who use our services continue to be our top priority during the current pandemic.

This week, look for the following updates:


There are no updates to our resources this week. We continue to experience the lessening of public health measures in Saskatchewan and Ontario. In response to these changes we will continue to revise and adapt our policies as these changes occur.

Ontario announced on March 9th that mask mandates in non-high risk settings will be lifted on March 21st, bringing Ontario in line with the guidance already in place in Saskatchewan. This is exciting and promising news, however as we look to “live with COVID-19” it will remain vital to actively prevent infections from occurring within our support locations. Pivoting to protect those that are most vulnerable from a COVID-19 infection includes the people who use our services. With this in mind we will continue to follow the guidance from our health partners and provincial ministries.

COVID-19 Weekly Preparedness Checklist

  • The COVID-19 Weekly Preparedness Checklist has been updated for the week of March 10th – March 17th, 2022.
  • The Hand Sanitizer Recall List (on the U:\\ drive) was updated March 2022), please confirm the removal of recalled sanitizers from all locations
  • Additional information on arranging pick up and drop off of biohazard bins in Ontario has been added. 

Health Canada Update – Rapid Antigen Tests

  • Health Canada released an update about the buffer solution used in rapid tests. Advising that ingestion (swallowing) or prolonged skin contact is to be avoided. Fortunately, our current policy and directions for rapid antigen tests cover the safe handling and disposal of the tests.
  • A link to the update from Health Canada can be found here.


With increased access to third doses/booster shots for COVID-19, it is important to be aware that consent will need to be facilitated for the people that use our services as they become eligible. It appears that each health unit in Ontario and the Saskatchewan Health Authority have varying interpretations on the requirements for consent so be sure to work within your local communities to meet the consent requirements as they are required. 

Electronic Proof of COVID-19 Vaccination
If you have previously chosen to receive a COVID-19 vaccine but have misplaced your electronic and physical proof of vaccination you can receive a new electronic proof through the Ontario Health site here. You will require your health card number. For those in Saskatchewan you can retrieve your proof of vaccination here.


There are no webinars scheduled at this time. To view previously recorded webinars please click here.

If you are looking for additional webinars with a variety of experts from across Canada consider the resources available at This is Our Shot and ScienceUpFirst. Additionally the University of Toronto has provided this resource which they will continue to keep up to date.


Thank you for your continued work and dedication, your commitment and tenacity to provide the best service and supports is exceptional!

Questions or suggestions about any of the resources listed on the site?
Send us an email to let us know:

COVID-19 Updates March 3rd – March 10th, 2022

Our values, vision, and mission together with your well-being and the well-being of people who use our services continue to be our top priority during the current pandemic.

This week, look for the following updates:


There are no updates to our resources this week. We continue to experience the lessening of public health measures in Saskatchewan and Ontario. In response to these changes we will continue to revise and adapt our policies as these changes occur.

COVID-19 Weekly Preparedness Checklist

  • The COVID-19 Weekly Preparedness Checklist has been updated for the week of March 3rd – March 10th, 2022.
  • The Hand Sanitizer Recall List (on the U:\\ drive) was updated March 2022), please confirm the removal of recalled sanitizers from all locations
  • Additional information on arranging pick up and drop off of biohazard bins in Ontario has been added. 

Health Canada Update – Rapid Antigen Tests

  • Health Canada released an update about the buffer solution used in rapid tests. Advising that ingestion (swallowing) or prolonged skin contact is to be avoided. Fortunately, our current policy and directions for rapid antigen tests cover the safe handling and disposal of the tests.
  • A link to the update from Health Canada can be found here.


With increased access to third doses/booster shots for COVID-19, it is important to be aware that consent will need to be facilitated for the people that use our services as they become eligible. It appears that each health unit in Ontario and the Saskatchewan Health Authority have varying interpretations on the requirements for consent so be sure to work within your local communities to meet the consent requirements as they are required. 

Electronic Proof of COVID-19 Vaccination
If you have previously chosen to receive a COVID-19 vaccine but have misplaced your electronic and physical proof of vaccination you can receive a new electronic proof through the Ontario Health site here. You will require your health card number. For those in Saskatchewan you can retrieve your proof of vaccination here.


There are no webinars scheduled at this time. To view previously recorded webinars please click here.

If you are looking for additional webinars with a variety of experts from across Canada consider the resources available at This is Our Shot and ScienceUpFirst. Additionally the University of Toronto has provided this resource which they will continue to keep up to date.


Thank you for your continued work and dedication, your commitment and tenacity to provide the best service and supports is exceptional!

Questions or suggestions about any of the resources listed on the site?
Send us an email to let us know: