COVID-19 Updates from April 22nd, 2021, to April 29th, 2021

Our values, vision, and mission together with your well-being and the well-being of people who use our services continue to be our top priority during the current pandemic.

This week, look for the following updates:


On April 16th, 2021 Premier Doug Ford announced additional restrictions for Ontario in order to combat the third wave of COVID-19 that is currently enveloping Ontario and threatening to overwhelm our health care system. These additional orders included messaging that limited all types of visits, including outdoors, between households.  MCCSS has maintained that enhanced precautions are to be applied to all of our locations in Ontario during this time. Enhanced precautions as outlined by MCCSS allows for visits from essential visitors to continue. For more information about who is classified as an essential visitor view the COVID-19 Current Activity Restrictions document.

Christian Horizons is encouraging that in person visits when possible be postponed until after the stay at home orders are over. If essential in person visits are to take place, physical distancing, masks, eye protection and any other relevant IPAC procedures must be followed to ensure safety. Additionally it would be encouraged that these visits take place outdoors. For more information on the restrictions that apply from MCCSS please see the document below:


  • COVID-19 Weekly Preparedness Checklist
    • The COVID-19 Weekly Preparedness Checklist has been updated for the week of April 22nd to April 29th. 
    • The Hand Sanitizer Recall List (on the U:\\ drive) was updated (Apr. 7th, 2021), please confirm the removal of recalled sanitizers from all locations.


Christian Horizons is working to introduce rapid antigen testing for COVID-19 at our direct support locations throughout Ontario and Saskatchewan as another precaution to ensure a safe work environment. A rapid antigen test for COVID-19 is a self administered nares swab (not a deep nasal swab), with observation from a trained user, that produces results within 15 minutes.  If someone were to test positive for COVID-19 with a rapid antigen test a confirmation test from a COVID-19 testing location would need to be completed afterwards.

Completing a rapid antigen test is recommended to be completed 2-3 times a week. The completion of a rapid antigen test does not replace the need for current infection prevention and control practices but adds another layer of protection for employees and the people who use our services. Additional information about this initiative will be discussed on Friday at our webinar.


This week there will be a webinar on Friday April 23rd at 2pm register here, the following will be covered:

  • Updates on the available vaccines within Canada
  • Variants of Concern
  • Update about the introduction of rapid testing
  • District specific breakout sessions will take place in order to discuss any local developments since our last webinar.


An excellent plain language video from P4P Planning Network about Getting Ready for your COVID Vaccine can be found here.



Thank you for your continued work and dedication, your commitment and tenacity to provide the best service and supports is exceptional!

Questions or suggestions about any of the resources listed on the site?
Send us an email to let us know:

COVID-19 Updates from April 15th, 2021, to April 21st, 2021

Our values, vision, and mission together with your well-being and the well-being of people who use our services continue to be our top priority during the current pandemic.

This week, look for the following updates:


On April 7th, 2021 Premier Doug Ford announced a stay at home order for Ontario in order to combat the third wave of COVID-19 that is currently enveloping Ontario and threatening to overwhelm our health care system. The stay at home order began at 12:01 am on April 8th and will be in place over the next four weeks. In response to this the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services moved all of Ontario into enhanced precautions. How this impacts day to day activities can be found here:


  • COVID-19 Weekly Preparedness Checklist
    • The COVID-19 Weekly Preparedness Checklist has been updated for the week of April 15th to April 21st.
    • The Hand Sanitizer Recall List (on the U:\\ drive) was updated (Apr. 7th, 2021), please confirm the removal of recalled sanitizers from all locations.

Christian Horizons has been working closely with a number of local public health infection prevention and control (IPAC) teams to review our guidance documents. The reviews have lead to a change in our wording around the use of gloves during an outbreak. It has been recommended by the IPAC teams that gloves are to only be worn during an outbreak when in direct contact with someone who uses our services, when cleaning, or handling potentially contaminated items ex. laundry. This is to help protect the skin, prevent breakdowns and encourage frequent and proper hand hygiene with alcohol based hand rubs or soap and water. The following documents have been updated to reflect this change:


This week there will be a webinar on Friday April 16th at 2pm register here, the following will be covered:

  • Updates on the available vaccines within Canada
  • Variants of Concern
  • Is there any evidence that vaccines are working?
  • District specific breakout sessions will take place in order to discuss any local developments since our last webinar.


We continue to see more public health units with plans for vaccine access for direct support professionals, people who use services and essential caregivers. A consistent for this roll out across both provinces is the need to move quickly once our communities have access. Christian Horizons continues to work provincially to advocate for vaccine access in those public health units that may be lagging behind.


Over the past couple of weeks concerns have been raised nationally regarding  counterfeit N-95 masks and the use of graphene in commercially available medical masks. Christian Horizons PPE Taskforce has contacted our distributor for N-95 masks and we have been assured that the counterfeit concerns do not apply to our available supply of masks. Similarly, all of our major suppliers of commercial masks across the organization have been contacted by our PPE representatives.  They assure us that it is unlikely that their masks contain graphene. Importantly if graphene is a component of a mask, it should be identified on the box.  We continue to work on this issue, but we also encourage employees to check masks at the location at which they work.  If a box of masks labelled as containing graphene is found, please set aside the masks (identified as “do not use”) and notify the supervisor.

Thank you for your continued work and dedication, your commitment and tenacity to provide the best service and supports is exceptional!

Questions or suggestions about any of the resources listed on the site?
Send us an email to let us know:

COVID-19 Updates from April 8th, 2021, to April 14th, 2021

Our values, vision, and mission together with your well-being and the well-being of people who use our services continue to be our top priority during the current pandemic.

This week, look for the following updates:


On April 7th, 2021 Premier Doug Ford announced a stay at home order for Ontario in order to combat the third wave of COVID-19 that is currently enveloping Ontario and threatening to overwhelm our health care system. The stay at home order began at 12:01 am on April 8th and will be in place over the next four weeks. In response to this the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services moved all of Ontario into enhanced precautions. How this impacts day to day activities can be found here:


Over the past couple of weeks concerns have been raised nationally regarding  counterfeit N-95 masks and the use of graphene in commercially available medical masks. Christian Horizons PPE Taskforce has contacted our distributor for N-95 masks and we have been assured that the counterfeit concerns do not apply to our available supply of masks. Similarly, all of our major suppliers of commercial masks across the organization have been contacted by our PPE representatives.  They assure us that it is unlikely that their masks contain graphene. Importantly if graphene is a component of a mask, it should be identified on the box.  We continue to work on this issue, but we also encourage employees to check masks at the location at which they work.  If a box of masks is labeled as containing graphene is found, please set aside the masks (identified as “do not use”) and notify the supervisor.



This week there will be a webinar on Friday April 9th at 2pm register here, the following will be covered:

  • Updates on the available vaccines within Canada
  • Variants of Concern
  • Is there any evidence that vaccines are working?
  • District specific breakout sessions will take place in order to discuss any local developments since our last webinar.


We continue to see more public health units with plans for vaccine access for direct support professionals, people who use services and essential caregivers. A consistent for this roll out across both provinces is the need to move quickly once our communities have access. Christian Horizons continues to work provincially to advocate for vaccine access in those public health units that may be lagging behind.

Thank you for your continued work and dedication, your commitment and tenacity to provide the best service and supports is exceptional!

Questions or suggestions about any of the resources listed on the site?
Send us an email to let us know:

COVID-19 Updates from March 24th, 2021, to April 1st, 2021


  • COVID-19 Weekly Preparedness Checklist
    • The COVID-19 Weekly Preparedness Checklist has been updated for the week of March 24th to April 1st.
    • The Hand Sanitizer Recall List (on the U:\\ drive) was updated (Mar. 24th, 2021), please confirm the removal of recalled sanitizers from all locations.
  • COVID-19 Exposure Attendance and Testing Guide
    • The COVID-19 Exposure Attendance and Testing Guide has been updated to provide direction for those whose household member has been asked to isolate after a COVID-19 Exposure.
  • Current Travel Parameters
    • Updated to include STML.


This week there will be a webinar on Friday March 26th at 2pm register here, the following will be covered:

  • Updates on the available vaccines within Canada
  • District specific breakout sessions will take place in order to discuss any local developments since our last webinar.


With a number of questions about the available COVID-19 vaccines being focused on the efficacy of each vaccine the following video is an excellent resource explaining why efficacy might not be the best measure:

We continue to see more public health units with plans for vaccine access for direct support professionals. Most public health units are requesting that Christian Horizons releases a list of employee names and contact information in order to have an appointment booked. If you have not already done so it is encouraged the Release Consent for COVID-19 Vaccine Survey that was sent to your Christian Horizons email is completed. By completing the survey you are giving Christian Horizons permission to release your contact information to Public Health, you will not be consenting to receiving the vaccine with this survey. Consent for receiving the vaccine for employees will be done by Public Health.

Thank you for your continued work and dedication, your commitment and tenacity to provide the best service and supports is exceptional!

Questions or suggestions about any of the resources listed on the site?
Send us an email to let us know:

COVID-19 Updates from March 18th, 2021, to March 24th, 2021

Our values, vision, and mission together with your well-being and the well-being of people who use our services continue to be our top priority during the current pandemic.

This week, look for the following updates:


The following resources have been updated for the week of March 18th to March 24th.

  • Additional links and information to the approved COVID-19 vaccines from Health Canada can be found here


This week there will be a webinar on Friday March 19th at 2pm the following will be covered:

  • Update on the AstraZeneca vaccine
    • Further addressing the coagulation concerns identified in Europe
  • District specific breakout sessions will take place in order to discuss any local developments since our last webinar.

Pandemic Fatigue

“Pandemic Fatigue” can occur when we begin to experience a sense of burnout and become tired of pandemic measures that impact our normal life routines. Pandemic fatigue may present itself as a natural response to following strict health measures and restrictions for such a prolonged period of time. These days, we may feel inclined to ignore public health guidance or simply begin to drown out the messages and warnings related to the continued risk of COVID-19. It is important that we remain vigilant and conscious of all of our efforts to protect people who use our services, friends, families, and ourselves. For more information, you can visit the Wellington, Duffering, Guelph Public Health article by clicking here.

  • Please continue to wear your PPE properly, wash your hands often, and be mindful of physical distancing.
  • When completing the screening process before entering work, be mindful of any symptoms you may be experiencing.
  • If you have had a confirmed or suspected exposure to someone who has or may have COVID-19 be sure to inform your manager and do not report for work.
    • We encourage an open dialogue with managers to verify personal circumstances as we understand exposure and symptom monitoring can be complex.


Thank you for your continued work and dedication, your commitment and tenacity to provide the best service and supports is exceptional!

Questions or suggestions about any of the resources listed on the site?
Send us an email to let us know:

COVID-19 Updates from March 11th, 2021, to March 17th, 2021

Our values, vision, and mission together with your well-being and the well-being of people who use our services continue to be our top priority during the current pandemic.

This week, look for the following updates:


The following resources have been updated for the week of March 11th to March 17th.

  • COVID-19 Vaccine FAQ 
    • Information about the Johnson and Johnson vaccines recent approval.
    • Update on what employees who have been fully vaccinated are to do if they display COVID-19 symptoms.
  • Additional links and information to the approved COVID-19 vaccines from Health Canada can be found here


This week there will be a webinar on Friday March 12th at 2pm the following will be covered:

  • Update on the AstraZeneca and Johnson and Johnson vaccines
    • How they work and how this could affect vaccine rollout
  • Information about the updated vaccination schedule from Health Canada for the mRNA vaccines.
    • The original source from Health Canada can be found here
  • District specific breakout sessions will take place in order to discuss any local developments since our last webinar.


The approval of the Janssen (Johnson and Johnson) viral vector vaccine for use in Canada is an exciting development in our national continued response to COVID-19. Some of the key points about this vaccine include:

  • It uses decades old vaccine technology
  • 66.9% efficacy rate
    • 66.9% chance that if you were exposed to the COVID-19 virus and would have become sick that you will not have any symptoms
  • Those who still became symptomatic from a COVID-19 exposure after receiving the vaccine had no reported long term hospitalizations or deaths.
    • This is a key determinant for how effective a vaccine is, being sick while inconvenient is okay. Becoming so sick that you need to be hospitalized and may die is not.
  • Significantly easier to store and transport
    • Does not require extreme cold temperatures
  • The Janssen vaccine is only one dose
  • More information in the COVID-19 Vaccine FAQ

We continue to see more public health units with plans for vaccine access for direct support professionals. Most public health units are requesting that Christian Horizons releases a list of employee names and contact information in order to have an appointment booked. If you have not already done so it is encouraged the Release Consent for COVID-19 Vaccine Survey that was sent to your Christian Horizons email is completed. By completing the survey you are giving Christian Horizons permission to release your contact information to Public Health, you will not be consenting to receiving the vaccine with this survey. Consent for receiving the vaccine for employees will be done by Public Health.

For additional information about COVID-19 and any legal question you may have the ARCH Disability Law Center is offering weekly Webinars on Wednesday from 2-3pm. More information can be found here

Thank you for your continued work and dedication, your commitment and tenacity to provide the best service and supports is exceptional!

Questions or suggestions about any of the resources listed on the site?
Send us an email to let us know:

COVID-19 Updates from March 4th, 2021, to March 10th, 2021

Our values, vision, and mission together with your well-being and the well-being of people who use our services continue to be our top priority during the current pandemic.

This week, look for the following updates:


The following resources have been updated for the week of March 4th to March 10th.


There is no scheduled webinar for this week however, we will continue with webinars in the near future in order to communicate broadly within our community. Be sure to regularly check your email for updates. The webinars have been an excellent way for everyone to come together and collectively gain knowledge about the COVID-19 vaccines and what is happening on a local level. Recordings of past webinars can be found internally on the COVID-19 Vaccine Information and Resources Web Page, the webinars are also available for sharing widely from our external website here.


The approval of the Astra Zeneca viral vector vaccine for use in Canada is an exciting development in our national continued response to COVID-19. Some of the key points about this vaccine include:

  • It uses decades old vaccine technology
  • 62% efficacy rate
    • 62% chance that if you were exposed to the COVID-19 virus and would have become sick that you will not have any symptoms
  • Those who still became symptomatic from a COVID-19 infection after receiving the vaccine had no reported long term hospitalizations or deaths.
    • This is a key determinant for how effective a vaccine is, being sick while inconvenient is okay. Becoming so sick that you need to be hospitalized and may die is not.
  • Significantly easier to store and transport
    • Does not require extreme cold temperatures
  • In Canada this vaccine is not recommended for people over the age of 65.
    • More information in the COVID-19 Vaccine FAQ

We continue to see more and more public health units with plans for vaccine access for direct support professionals. Most public health units are requesting that Christian Horizons releases a list of employee names and contact information in order to have an appointment booked. If you have not already done so it is encouraged the Release Consent for COVID-19 Vaccine Survey that was sent to your Christian Horizons email is completed. By completing the survey you are giving Christian Horizons permission to release your contact information to Public Health, you will not be consenting to receiving the vaccine with this survey. Consent for receiving the vaccine for employees will be done by Public Health.

COVID-19 Vaccination Tracking for People Using Services

We are excited to hear that a number of people using services and employees have received the COVID-19 vaccine and many more are beginning to register for vaccination. To help with tracking for people using services, we have created a functionality to track the type of vaccines received under Immunizations Records in the ODB (see image below). Please document this required information in the ODB as people begin to receive their vaccination.

Thank you for your continued work and dedication, your commitment and tenacity to provide the best service and supports is exceptional!

Questions or suggestions about any of the resources listed on the site?
Send us an email to let us know:

COVID-19 Updates from February 24th, 2021, to March 3rd, 2021

Our values, vision, and mission together with your well-being and the well-being of people who use our services continue to be our top priority during the current pandemic.

This week, look for the following updates:


This week it was announced that North-Bay Parry Sound, Peel Public Health and Toronto Public Health would remain in lockdown due to continually elevated COVID-19 cases. Currently the lockdown is scheduled to end on March 8th at 11:59pm. It is not known what colour each of the health units will be in on reopening. Until reopening the Lockdown Directions will remain for direct support locations.

The following resources have been updated for the week of February 24th to March 3rd.

  • COVID-19 Vaccine FAQ 
    • Information about whether or not stem cells were used in the development of mRNA vaccines.


February 26th – Organizational Webinar
Similar to our last webinar, we will start by providing information and insights regarding the vaccines. Questions about the vaccine will be asked by a person who uses our services, who is an active member of the Our Voices Matter self-advocate group. Answers to the questions will be from our Healthcare Strategies Manager. After the Q and A session we will move into groups by  community, where you will have the opportunity to connect with your local community leaders who will share an update.


With continued information being released about COVID-19 vaccines, an additional web page focused on COVID-19 vaccine information has been released with links to relevant government resources, discussions with experts, and resources for the people who use our services.

Thank you for your continued work and dedication, your commitment and tenacity to provide the best service and supports is exceptional!

Questions or suggestions about any of the resources listed on the site?
Send us an email to let us know:

COVID-19 Updates from February 18th, 2021, to February 24th, 2021

Our values, vision, and mission together with your well-being and the well-being of people who use our services continue to be our top priority during the current pandemic.

This week, look for the following updates:


With all public health units scheduled to exit lockdown as of February 22nd the lockdown directions that were in place will end and we will default back to our previously used guidelines. MCCSS has updated their visitor and operational guidelines for additional clarity.

The following resources have been updated for the week of February 18th to February 25th.

  • COVID-19 Weekly Preparedness Checklist
  • COVID-19 Current Activity Restrictions
    • MCCSS released new guidelines that outline activity restrictions that correspond to your local Public Health Colour Zone.
    • Additional information about Christian Horizons specific situations, including in person meetings, training and employees working in office, have been included in the same template
    • Updated information about the requirements for eye protection and masking at direct support locations as per MCCSS guidelines. 
  • Supervisor response checklist
    • The checklist for employee positive cases has been updated to include contacting the Ministry of Labour
  •  COVID-19 Visiting Guide for Locations
    • Updated to reflect additional requirements from MCCSS around visitors use of eye protection provided by Christian Horizons locations.
  • COVID-19 Visiting Guide for Families and Friends
    • Updated to reflect additional requirements from MCCSS around visitors use of eye protection provided by Christian Horizons locations.


There are no additional updates about vaccine access for this week, For continued up to date COVID-19 vaccine resources please click here. Resources include:

  • Government resources, both Ontario and Saskatchewan
  • Webinars with various experts
  • Easy read resources for people who use services.

There are no new webinars scheduled for this week. To view our previous webinars please follow the links below, these can be shared widely with anyone who may benefit from them.

January 18th- A panel of research scientists lead by Dr. Moriarty answering questions about COVID-19 vaccines

January 22nd– A panel of research scientists lead by Dr. Moriarty answering questions about COVID-19 vaccines

January 29th – Dr. Marwah Younis Damani – Pharmacist with experience in Developmental Services

February 5th  – Dr. Philip Dwek – Infectious Diseases Specialist

Thank you for your continued work and dedication, your commitment and tenacity to provide the best service and supports is exceptional!

Questions or suggestions about any of the resources listed on the site?
Send us an email to let us know:

COVID-19 Updates from February 11th, 2021, to February 17th, 2021

Supporting People

The COVID-19 Weekly Preparedness Checklist has been updated for the week of February 11th to February 17th.

  • COVID-19 Weekly Preparedness Checklist
      • The Hand Sanitizer Recall List (on the U:\\ drive) was updated (February 10th, 2021), please confirm the removal of recalled sanitizers from all locations.

Over the next two weeks Ontario will be phasing out of lockdown measures that went into effect on December 26th. For an up to date list on when specific public health units will be returning to the COVID-19 response framework please click here.

We are expecting updated guidance documents from the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services specific to our COVID-19 response and visitor guidelines in the next 24 – 48 hours. Once these are released updates to the appropriate Christian Horizons resources will be completed and can be found here. During the organizational webinar on Friday February 12th we will have the opportunity to speak to any updates from the ministry.

Working with our partners at the provincial level additional resources related to the COVID-19 vaccines continue to be added to our COVID-19 Vaccine Information page on ChConnect. Notably additional easy read resources for people who use services have been added this week.  Resources for families including recordings of our webinars can be found here.


February 12th – Organizational Webinar

The webinar on February 12th will be an opportunity for everyone to discuss the unique situations COVID-19 vaccinations present at Christian Horizons. This will include a conversation around obtaining consent. There will be time set aside in this webinar to allow for breakout sessions with each district to discuss district specific issues/concerns around vaccine access. Please register here

To view a recording of the previous webinars follow these links January 18th, January 22nd , January 29th and February 5th 

Thank you for your continued work and dedication, your commitment and tenacity to provide the best service and supports is exceptional!

Questions or suggestions about any of the resources listed on the site?
Send us an email to let us know: