Our values, vision, and mission together with your well-being and the well-being of people who use our services continue to be our top priority during the current pandemic.
This week, look for the following updates:
- The COVID-19 Weekly Preparedness Checklist has been updated for the week of October 9th to October 15th
- Updated to add guidance for when an employee has close contact with someone being asked to self-isolate and/or seek testing. These guides were created to support employees in assessing their level of exposure to COVID-19 and to identify any testing or self-isolation requirements.
- COVID-19 Exposure Attendance and Testing Guide
- COVID-19 Employee Exposure Flow Charts
- Close contact is currently defined as living with or had prolonged contact (for more than 15 minutes) with the suspected or confirmed person, or had direct contact with bodily fluids of a confirmed case (e.g. coughed on, sneezed on, etc.).
Due to an increase of COVID-19 cases in some communities, as a preventative measure, the Ministry of Children, Community, and Social Services (MCCSS) has directed that support locations within Ottawa, Niagara, Simcoe, Peel, Toronto and York be subject to additional restrictions. The following table helps to show which activities are no longer permitted within these communities.
An Update on the Visitor Checklist:
Thank you for your patience! The optimized version of the COVID-19 Visitor Checklist to record visiting information is now called the COVID-19 Visiting Record and will be available in the ODB on Tuesday, October 13th. The COVID-19 Visiting Record was designed to provide direction on required documentation for Essential, Non-Essential, Designated Visitors, and Essential Overnight Visits. More information on the update can be found here. |
- The Back to School Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document was updated to indicate that employees will need to self-isolate only if their close contact tests positive or develops COVID-19 symptoms. Employees are no longer required to self-isolate when their close contact (e.g. child) is asked to self-isolate and/or seek testing and has no symptoms.
- As a reminder, the Employees tab has been updated with information on testing guidelines for both Ontario and Saskatchewan:
- As of October 6, 2020, all assessment centres and select pharmacies in Ontario require a scheduled appointment for testing. To book a COVID-19 test, please visit the Ontario Government COVID-19 Testing Locations page to find the nearest assessment centre or participating pharmacy and follow the directions to book an appointment (e.g. calling or online booking platform). Please remember that at this time, pharmacies can only accommodate asymptomatic individuals (not showing any symptoms of COVID-19), while assessment centres will accommodate individuals experiencing COVID-19 symptoms.
- If you are seeking testing, please remember to let the assessment centre/pharmacy know that you work in a congregate care setting, as we continue to have priority access for testing.
- Universal testing is available in Saskatchewan to anyone wishing to be tested by referral only, except where drive-thru options are available. To obtain a referral to a community testing centre, please call Healthline 811, your family physician, or your nurse practitioner.
- As of October 6, 2020, all assessment centres and select pharmacies in Ontario require a scheduled appointment for testing. To book a COVID-19 test, please visit the Ontario Government COVID-19 Testing Locations page to find the nearest assessment centre or participating pharmacy and follow the directions to book an appointment (e.g. calling or online booking platform). Please remember that at this time, pharmacies can only accommodate asymptomatic individuals (not showing any symptoms of COVID-19), while assessment centres will accommodate individuals experiencing COVID-19 symptoms.
Questions or suggestions about any of the resources listed on the site?
Send us an email to let us know: covid-19@christian-horizons.org