Our values, vision, and mission together with your well-being and the well-being of people who use our services continue to be our top priority during the current pandemic.
This week, look for the following updates:
- The COVID-19 Weekly Preparedness Checklist has been updated for the week of November 20th to November 26th.
- COVID-19 Weekly Preparedness Checklist
- The Hand Sanitizer Recall List (on the U:\\ drive) was updated (Nov. 18, 2020), please confirm the removal of recalled sanitizers from all locations.
- COVID-19 Weekly Preparedness Checklist
Further Clarification on Eye Protection Requirements
- To protect against droplet exposures, eye protection is required for our employees in direct support environments in Ontario in “Yellow Zones” or greater.
- Eye protection is recommended for people using services and employees in direct support locations in “Green Zones”
- Eye protection requirements for visitors such as service technicians are set by their employers, and our expectation is that they will follow their own regulations along with wearing a commercial mask.
Employees in office-only settings or direct support locations completing administrative work are not required to use eye protection as they are able to maintain 2 meters of distance, they are still expected to follow all safety guidelines related to physical distancing and PPE.
- Eye protection guidelines have been updated to give more specific instruction around use. Updated resources include:
- We are working closely with employees who have worked in outbreak settings to hear their stories and learn from their experiences. Thank you to those who have taken the time to share with us so far. Your feedback is making a difference already, and will continue to do so:
- We have heard concerns around regular cleaning and disinfecting of surfaces and so have released a
COVID-19 Cleaning Checklist Template for locations that have not had a standard method of tracking required cleaning.
- We have heard about the need for ongoing reminders and training on proper PPE usage. We are reviewing new tools released by MCCSS and Public Health to determine the best way to keep this knowledge fresh without unnecessary repetition or extra demands on your valuable time.
- We have heard the importance of having clear plans and supports in place when responding to cases of COVID-19 at a location. We will be working to raise awareness of not only the additional precautions that come into effect, but also what you might expect or encounter as an employee. We are thankful for the many people who have stepped forward in their own location, or in being redeployed, to help keep people healthy and safe.
- We have heard concerns around regular cleaning and disinfecting of surfaces and so have released a
New COVID-19 Restrictions in Saskatchewan
As always, thank you for your feedback and recommendations to improve our resources. Your comments are valued, and we continue to work on reviewing and incorporating new Public Health information from Saskatchewan as well as working with MCCSS in Ontario to encourage consistency with the Ontario Public Health’s new color-coded response guidelines.
Thank you for your continued work and dedication, your commitment and tenacity to provide the best service and supports is exceptional!
Questions or suggestions about any of the resources listed on the site?
Send us an email to let us know: covid-19@christian-horizons.org