COVID-19 Updates from May 29-June 4, 2020

Our values, vision, and mission together with your well-being and the well-being of people who use our services continue to be our top priority during the current crisis.

This COVID-19 Pandemic Response site is updated weekly so that you have the latest resources available. You do not need to print or review every resource. The weekly checklist, updated each Thursday, lists what is required to be posted at your location. These required resources will have an asterisk “*” next to their title on the webpage.

This week, look for the following updates:


  • Checklist updated for Supervisors and Health & Safety Representatives to complete for the week of May 29th to June 4th. This checklist is updated every week. Items in ORANGE (or GREY if printed in black and white) with a strike-through need to be taken down / discarded:
    • COVID-19 Weekly Preparedness Checklist
  • As we continue active entry screening, people who are looking to enter a Christian Horizons support location will need to have their temperature checked and will be asked whether they are displaying any symptoms of COVID-19. Employee symptom checks are to occur two times each shift for employees (at the start and end of each shift). 
    • COVID-19 Screening Protocol
      • Physical distancing should be maintained while active screening is taking place. Employees administrating active screening are to be equipped with a commercial/surgical mask and goggles/face shields during the screening process. The same surgical mask can be worn for the duration of the employee’s shift instead of switching back to a cloth mask to reduce depleting PPE stock. The employee being screened should be wearing a cloth mask while being screened.
      • Clarification has been added to the protocol around close physical contact with someone who has returned to Canada in the last two weeks, based on Public Health Agency of Canada wording. Close contact is only problematic if and when the person who returned to Canada begins displaying symptoms.
  • Public Health testing guidelines continue to evolve. Many public health units are no longer doing follow up testing on a person who previously tested positive for COVID-19 to obtain two negatives in order to return to work. We have now updated our testing guidelines in our Guidance on COVID-19 Employee Exposure scenarios to require employees who test positive with COVID-19 to be off work for a minimum of 14 days and have been 48 hours symptom-free.
    • Guidance on COVID-19 Exposure Charts
      • Employee Exposure (2 steps)

We’re looking for your daily living tips!

COVID-19 has become a part of our daily lives and it will likely be this way for a while. We’re interested in hearing some of the daily living tips you’ve collected along the way so we can begin to share resources that help to keep our daily living activities safe. For example, what do you do to keep safe while on a walk in your community? How are you handling your groceries? What sites, videos, or posters have you been inspired by?  When we share our good ideas with others, we help to keep our whole community safe and well.

If you are a supervisor or health and safety representative, please create a list of some of these helpful tips or resources with the help of employees and people supported, and send them to!