COVID-19 Updates from June 10th, 2021 – June 17th, 2021

Our values, vision, and mission together with your well-being and the well-being of people who use our services continue to be our top priority during the current pandemic.

This week, look for the following updates:


  • COVID-19 Weekly Preparedness Checklist
    • The COVID-19 Weekly Preparedness Checklist has been updated for the week of June 10 – June 16, 2021. 
    • The Hand Sanitizer Recall List (on the U:\\ drive) was updated (May 19, 2021), please confirm the removal of recalled sanitizers from all locations.
  • COVID-19 Current Activity Restrictions
    With the Ontario province moving to Step 1 of the reopening plan, MCCSS has released additional guidance around visiting for direct support locations in Ontario. We are to continue to follow the Enhanced Precautions level as per MCCSS Visitors Guidelines, with the exception of the following changes.

Brief physical contact with visitors:

    • People using services and visitors, regardless of vaccination status, are permitted to engage in brief physical contact (e.g., a hug) during indoor or outdoor visits. This includes essential and non-essential visitors.
    • The requirement for visitors to wear eye protection and a surgical/procedure mask at all times remains in place.
    • Despite masking exemptions, where feasible, residents are strongly encouraged to wear a surgical/procedure mask also.
    • Non-essential visitors must maintain physical distance (2 meters/6 feet) before and after physical contact.

Brief physical contact with visitors:

    • People using services are permitted to leave the congregate living setting for a short-stay (i.e., same day) absence in the community in alignment with provincial parameters as outlined in the Re-Opening Ontario Act and related orders.
    • This will now include recreational outings (activities for pleasure) in addition to essential absences (e.g., work, school, medical appointment, physical exercise).
    • Please see the COVID-19 Visiting Guide for Locations for guidelines re: Visits In The Community (short-stay absences)

The COVID-19 Current Activity Restrictions has been updated to reflect these changes.


Christian Horizons will begin rapid antigen screening in several pilot locations across all Ontario districts in the coming weeks. Please refer to the Rapid Antigen Screening memo article for additional details.


There is no webinar this week, to view previously recorded webinars please click here


If you have previously chosen to receive a COVID-19 vaccine but have misplaced your electronic and physical proof of vaccination you can receive a new electronic proof through the Ontario Health site here. You will require your health card number.

Thank you for your continued work and dedication, your commitment and tenacity to provide the best service and supports is exceptional!

Questions or suggestions about any of the resources listed on the site?
Send us an email to let us know: