Supporting People
The COVID-19 Weekly Preparedness Checklist has been updated for the week of January 21st to January 27th.
- COVID-19 Weekly Preparedness Checklist
- The Hand Sanitizer Recall List (on the U:\\ drive) was updated (Jan 20th, 2021), please confirm the removal of recalled sanitizers from all locations.
Resources related to COVID-19 continue to be available and updated as new information and guidelines are made available to us. You can find all of the resources here.
Additional webinars have been scheduled over the coming weeks that will be open to employees, people who use our services and their family members.
January 22nd – Dr. Linda Moriarty
Dr. Moriarty is a research scientist and the director of the Moriarty Research Lab at the University of Toronto. The Moriarty Lab is an infectious diseases research lab, with a focus on blood borne pathogens. Dr. Moriarty hosts daily zoom calls for the public to engage with research scientists and ask questions related to COVID-19 vaccines.
To register for the January 18th webinar, and to include a question click here
January 29th – Marwah Younis Damani PharmD
Marwah Younis Damani is a pharmacist with a focus on the developmental sector. Currently she is the medical director for Community Living Toronto. Marwah and her pharmacy student will be joining us to discuss the COVID-19 vaccines. It is possible that two weeks from now additional vaccine options will be approved in Ontario this will allow for an up to date webinar on what is available.
February 5th – Dr. Phillip Dwek
Dr. Dwek is an infectious diseases specialist primarily working in Oshawa. Dr. Dwek completed his internal medicine specialty in 2015 at Western University and went on to specialize in infectious diseases at the University of Toronto completing his training in 2019. More information about Dr. Dwek’s webinar will be available in the coming weeks.
With continued information being released about COVID-19 vaccines, an additional web page focused on COVID-19 vaccine information has been released with links to relevant government resources, discussions with experts, and resources for the people who use our services. This week additional information about vaccine roll out for both Ontario and Saskatchewan have been linked. Additional resources for the people who use our services are also available.
COVID-19 Vaccine Information and Resources Web Page
Additionally an FAQ about COVID-19 vaccines can be found on our COVID-19 resources page.
Thank you for your continued work and dedication, your commitment and tenacity to provide the best service and supports is exceptional!
Questions or suggestions about any of the resources listed on the site?
Send us an email to let us know: