Article 21 of the International Agreement on the Rights of Disabled People ( says that people with disabilities have the right to find out information in a way that is accessible to them. Along with wanting everyone to understand what’s happening – especially in uncertain times – we also have an obligation to make sure that people can understand changes that impact their services and supports.

We want to make sure you are equipped to have meaningful conversations with people who use Christian Horizons’ services about all of the changes that are taking place and the rules and restrictions that impact their lives and relationships. We have created the webpage so that anyone, including someone who uses services and their family and friends, can download social stories and resources to help explain Christian Horizons’ policies and practices – which are based on guidance we receive from MCCSS and public health.

These are some of the resources created by Christian Horizons, sometimes in collaboration with other partners:

How do I welcome visitors at a Christian Horizons location?

COVID-19 Visits Social Story (Christian Horizons) 

COVID-19 Visiting Guide for Families and Friends

How do learn about some of the risks of different activities and about the rules that are in place?

 “Rules and Risks” Social Story

 “Going Out? Do it Safely” guide to going out in the community (Government of Canada) (French version)

How do I stay safe if I’m going out for errands, activities, or to visit friends and family?

“Safety in the Community” Social Story  

How can I track where I’ve been, and who I have been with, to know if I’m at risk?

“Where I’ve Been” Timeline

Other organizations have made wonderful resources on a variety of topics. You can view many of these on or click the button below for more.


What is COVID-19?

Coronavirus Social Story (Aptus Treatment Centre)

COVID-19 Plain Language Guide (Green Mountains Self-Advocates)

One-page Guide from Surrey Place

 “What is happening?” Video from H-CARDD 

What is Coronavirus?
How do I protect myself?

 A COVID-19 Introduction Video

 “Beating the Virus” (Beyond Words Picture Book)

“How does it spread?” (Aptus Treatment Centre) 

“How to stay safe: Handwashing” (HCARDD and Opening Doors)

 “Jack Plans Ahead for Coronavirus” (Beyond Words Picture Book)
A guide for family and carers.

 “My Coronavirus Story” from EasterSeals (interactive)

 People First of Canada Resource

“What you need to know” (Special Olympics)

What you need to know about COVID-19 (Autistic Self Advocacy Network)

Why are people wearing masks?
Do I need to wear a mask?

“I can wear a mask” social story (also references caregivers)

Coronavirus Social Story: A Caregiver wearing a mask (hopestarter)

We wear masks (best for children)

Wearing a Mask: A social narrative for children 

What is physical or social distancing?
Why do I have to stay away from people?

“How to stay safe: Physical Distancing” (HCARDD and Opening Doors)

Why can’t I have visitors?
Why can’t I go out?

 “Stay at Home”

 “Staying inside” (Aptus Treatment Centre)

“Stay in, Stay well” (HCARDD and Opening Doors)

 “Why is church closed?” (Kairos Forum)

“Why is day program Closed?” (Aptus Treatment Centre Social Story)

Why are there so many new support staff?

Why are there so many new support staff? (Aptus Treatment Centre)

What can I do at home?

 Creative Prayer Resources (SPACE – Kairos Forum)

 “Good days and bad days during lockdown.”(Beyond Words Picture Book) 

Special Olympics Activities

“Things to do” from HCARDD

“When you have to stay home” Mental health and COVID-19 from CAMH

What if I’m worried?

 “Help when you’re feeling worried” Mental health and COVID-19 from CAMH

 “Look after your mental health” Council for Intellectual Disability

“Talking to a loved one” Mental health and COVID-19 from CAMH

What happens if I get sick?
What happens if a housemate gets sick?

“If you get sick” HCARDD and Opening Doors

Sick at home social story (Aptus)

My housemate has coronavirus social story (Aptus)

What’s it like to get tested?
What’s it like to go to the doctor or the hospital?

“Getting Tested” Social Story

A virtual doctor’s visit (HCARDD)

What happens when someone dies?

“When someone dies from the coronavirus” (Beyond Words Picture Book)
A guide for family and carers