COVID-19 Updates from September 11 to September 17, 2020

Our values, vision, and mission together with your well-being and the well-being of people who use our services continue to be our top priority during the current pandemic.

This week, look for the following updates:


  • The COVID-19 Weekly Preparedness Checklist was updated for the week of September 11th to September 17th.
  • The COVID-19 Screening Protocol was updated to note that Essential Visitors are no longer required to use a surgical/procedural mask and can instead wear a non-surgical mask while completing their visit.

A week ago, the Ministry of Community, Children, and Social Services (MCCSS) released Visitor’s Guidelines 2.0: Re-Opening of Congregate Living Settings, which went into effect on September 9th in Ontario. This document combines previous guidelines and provides updated direction on Essential, Non-Essential and Designated Visitors. These updates affected several resources and practices:

An update from the Resource Team:

Since COVID-19 began, we have all been called upon to be flexible, responsive, and resilient. We have learned new skills to work with excellence amidst uncertainty and confusion. This has not been easy. Just as we think we know how to respond to one new aspect of our work, new Ministry or Public Health guidelines are released and things change again. Thank you for bearing with us as we navigate these new realities. We know you have questions – we do too. We continue to seek clarity with the Ministry and we will continue to advocate for you and for the wellness, safety, and belonging of people who use our services.

As we do so, please do not hesitate to continue to ask your questions or provide feedback on forms, protocols, checklists, etc. It has been your feedback and diligence that helps to make things better every day. Visitor guidelines have changed significantly over the past weeks.  We are seeking your feedback on a Draft COVID-19 Visit Checklist that we hope to release next week on the ODB. This updated form will help us continue to track visits at locations, designated visitors, and essential overnight visits. Will this work for you? Let us know at

Together with you,

The COVID-19 Resource Team