Our values, vision, and mission together with your well-being and the well-being of people who use our services continue to be our top priority during the current pandemic.
This week, look for the following updates:
On December 21st Doug Ford announced that all of Ontario will be entering a lockdown starting on December 26th. Similarly on Dec 17th in Saskatchewan new public health orders went into affect until early January that limit household gatherings to only those who live in the same home (with some exceptions). These restrictions are important for us to follow and we acknowledge they may cause stress and frustration for people who use our services and ourselves.
In response to Ontario’s announcement, MCCSS has released a memo with directions for direct support locations in Ontario to adhere to during the lock down. The following guideline has been developed to reflect these changes, along with a link to the original memo sent by MCCSS.
- Province Wide Shut Down – Interim Directions (Ontario)
- December 26th Lock Down – No Visitors Poster
- MCCSS Memo on Lock Down Restrictions
The most notable change to MCCSS guidelines is visitor restrictions. Starting December 26th only essential visitors will be permitted for both indoor and outdoor visits at direct support locations. Essential visitors will be required to wear eye protection and a medical mask while indoors, and at minimum a medical mask while outdoors. Masks and eye protection are to be supplied to any essential visitors by Christian Horizons direct support locations.
A number of previously developed resources will be suspended in Ontario during the lock downs as per MCCSS recommendations. These will be clearly identified on CHconnect COVID-19 Resources.
With the roll out of vaccination programs in all provinces, the light at the end of the tunnel is beginning to shine. Christian Horizons – through our seat at the Provincial Network table is actively involved in a Working Group focused on vaccination. The Working Group is working through education resources, consent, distribution, advocacy, prioritization etc. We will continue to work with the Provincial Network and our Ministry partners to highlight the importance of early access to Covid-19 vaccination for people who use our services and our direct support professionals.
The following resources are being reviewed or developed for update in the new year:
Flowcharts for exposure scenarios– These are being reviewed to ensure they are up to date with current public health recommendations
Outbreak Drills – To help prepare locations for possible outbreaks, an outbreak drill template is being developed. The outbreak drill template will be based off of the fire drill template to help direct support locations work through possible outbreak events.
Holiday Wish
While this years celebrations may look different than previous years, the Covid-19 Resource Group and Working Group would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.