Our values, vision, and mission together with your well-being and the well-being of people who use our services continue to be our top priority during the current pandemic.
This week, look for the following updates:
- The COVID-19 Weekly Preparedness Checklist has been updated for the week of December 17th to December 23rd 2020.
- COVID-19 Weekly Preparedness Checklist
- The Hand Sanitizer Recall List (on the U:\\ drive) was updated (Dec 16th, 2020), please confirm the removal of recalled sanitizers from all locations.
- COVID-19 Weekly Preparedness Checklist
As we continue to experience surges of COVID-19 cases in some communities, support locations in these communities are now subject to additional restrictions. The following table helps to show which activities are no longer permitted within these communities:
An Update on COVID-19 Visiting Record in the ODB
Thank you to everyone for your continued feedback to help improve the COVID-19 Visiting Record. In response, we have updated the Visiting Record in the ODB. Among the improvements made are:
- The form has been streamlined into 3 main sections (Identifying Information, Visit Details, and Employee Sign Off and Supervisor Approval)
- Additional fields have been added to the Summary Page (e.g., Date of Visit, Name of Visitors)
- A locked field for Manager only Sign Off
The updated COVID-19 Visiting Record became available in the ODB on Tuesday, December 15 at 7:00 AM. An updated Instruction document, which is linked to the Visiting Record, will also be available in the ODB at that time.
A reminder that all Ontario locations are required to document visits in ODB using this Visiting Record. A Word version is available to be used when the ODB is down. Please transfer all information to the ODB once it is back up and running.
THANK YOU again for your ongoing diligence in this documentation.
In response to identified learning needs in outbreak interviews a COVID-19 FAQ has been added to our Covid-19 resources on ChConnect. This will be updated regularly and will include information on vaccines as more information is made available.
Outbreak Debriefing Tool and Mental Health Resources
Acknowledging that outbreaks are a stressful situation a debriefing tool has been developed to assist managers in leading debriefing session with employees during and after outbreaks. Included within this tool are additional mental health resources that employees can look to access if/when required. This will be made available to managers if/when a direct support location goes into an outbreak.
Working Together
Covid-19 Working Group
The Covid-19 working group has been established to help further guide policy and resources. The group is comprised of district representatives, if you are interested in assisting in this you can reach out to the Healthcare Strategies Manager – Gregory Crunican
Outbreak Managers Group