Our values, vision, and mission together with your well-being and the well-being of people who use our services continue to be our top priority during the current pandemic.
This week marks a turning point in Karis Disability Services response to the COVID-19 pandemic. At the direction of public health agencies across Ontario and Saskatchewan we are now transitioning to a general infection prevention and control (IPAC) approach within our direct service locations and office location. The COVID-19 checklist and resources on the “Support People” page have been updated to reflect these changes.
What does this mean:
Effective immediately
Any signage related to enhanced COVID-19 practices and procedures can be removed including:
- Help reduce the spread of COVID-19
- Quick Guide PPE Donning and Doffing
- Proper Glove use
- Hand washing (soap and water, hand sanitizer)
- What Mask to Wear When
- COVID-19 Cleaning Protocols
- Enhanced Cleaning Poster
- COVID-19 Screening Poster
- COVID-19 Symptom Self Check
- COVID-19 CPR Protocol Poster
Screening Practices
- Employees should not report to work if they are experiencing new symptoms of a respiratory or other illness.
- Visitors should reschedule their visits if they are experiencing symptoms of a respiratory or other illness.
When an employee is sick the following, as per public health guidelines, is recommended:
- An employee should stay away from work until their Symptoms have been improving for 24hrs (48hrs if the symptoms include vomiting or diarrhea)
- If the employee had access to and used a COVID-19 rapid test and the test result was negative they do not need to use a medical mask on their return to work
- If a COVID-19 rapid test was not available or the result was positive, employees are encouraged to wear a medical mask for the 10 days following symptom onset or positive test result (whichever was first) while in a support location.
- Outbreaks are declared by the Public Health Unit
- If multiple cases of COVID-19 or other communicable diseases (flu, gastroenteritis) are linked to one home, the local public health unit should be notified, and their instructions followed if an outbreak is declared.
Continued requirements
- Although the immediate guidance related to COVID-19 is changing, Karis Disability Services continues to have a responsibility to ensure a safe working environment. Be sure to follow the most appropriate measures to prevent employees from being exposed to hazards.
- Work related COVID-19 occupational illness continues to be reported.
Thank you all for your diligence and commitment to safety and caring over the past four years. The COVID-19 Resources Webpage will be updated to reflect the changes listed above. More guidance and information related to general IPAC (infection prevention and control) procedures will be made available prior to the start of the 2024 respiratory infection season (October).
Thank you for your continued work and dedication, your commitment and tenacity to provide the best service and supports is exceptional!
Questions or suggestions about any of the resources listed on the site?
Send us an email to let us know: covid-19@christian-horizons.org